WE THINK: Change of a century how should we treat GPT? Engage or disengage?

While we think that AI-related segments have been too hot recently, it is still a good thing for the capital market to have a consensus and money-making for investors. This bubble effect will ripple out and radiate into other sectors or themes with potential, increasing the overall investment sentim


WE THINK: Don't be fooled by short-term uncertainties. The hardest thing in investment (14) – understanding the core issue by seeing through superficial

we would discuss the typical Spring performance and corresponding investment strategies, what are the short-term obstacles that blocks you from seeing the core issue of matters, and why is such the most important ability we ask for as a research analyst.


WE THINK: Knowing where growth will come in 2023 through micro observations

While mediocre look at results, professional look at causes; If Macro data are results of the economy, then Micro economic activities are the causes of such data.


WE THINK: 2023 Overview: Winter has passed, Spring is coming

Much happened in the past year and we will try to conclude the events with the following keywords: geopolitical disputes, inflation & recession, globalization, foreign affairs, China’s anti-pandemic controls, Chinese real estate market, Chinese economy, global economy, and global capital markets.


WE THINK: Walking out from the Illness; Market continues its rally in the midst of doubt

Stock markets in November surprised many with its strong performance: Wind China all A Index rose 7.86%, Hang Seng Index and Hang Seng Tech Index rose 26.62% and 33.15% respectively, while NASDAQ Golden Dragon Index rose a fabulous 42.13%. From “Selling China” in October to “Buying China” in Novembe


WE THINK: When will the market bottom out?

The month of October was no better than September. Though the WIND All China Index dropped only 2.51%, the CSI300 Index fell 6.93%, and the “Maotai Index”, an index by WIND that covers 30 blue-chips of different sectors in China, fell 6.48%. Year to date the CSI300 fell 28%, more than 2018’s 25.3%.


WE THINK: Dollar appreciation leading to another crisis?

It’s been a grim 3Q for year 2022 for the global stock markets–Wind China-A Index fell -12.61%, while NASDAQ resulted in -4.11% after a short-lived rebound (falling -23.65% from its peak). A-share market performance was pathetic – rebounds were short-lived. In September, Zijing Mining, Wuxi Biologic

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